Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Obama Will Listen to All Sides (Not)

Obama's spinmeisters paint him as someone who will consider perspectives other than his own. 

But especially with politicians, we must judge not by what they say, but by what they do.

To wit, here is the complete list of Obama's economic advisors. Not one is right-of-center 

Jason Furman (director of economic policy)
Austan Goolsbee (senior economic policy advisor), University of Chicago tax policy expert
Karen Kornbluh (policy director)
David Cutler, Harvard health policy expert 
Jeff Liebman, Harvard welfare expert 
Michael Froman, Citigroup executive
Daniel Tarullo, Georgetown law professor 
David Romer, Berkeley macroeconomist 
Christina Romer, Berkeley economic historian 
Richard Thaler, University of Chicago behavioral finance expert 
Robert Rubin, former Treasury Secretary 
Larry Summers, former Treasury Secretary 
Alan Blinder, former Vice-chairman of the Federal Reserve 
Jared Bernstein, Economic Policy Institute labor economist 
James Galbraith, University of Texas macroeconomist 
Paul Volcker, Chairman of the Federal Reserve 1979-1987 (A Carter appointee and Democrat, although also served for Reagan)
Laura Tyson, Berkeley international economist, Bill Clinton economic adviser 
Robert Reich, Berkeley public policy professor, former Secretary of Labor 
Peter Henry, Stanford international economist 
Gene Sperling, former White House economic adviser

Celebration of diversity should mainly be about diversity of ideas, not of melanin. Why has Obama stopped celebrating dare an idea veer right of center?

As I've tried to make clear in my recent posts, for example, The Post-Election Obama, it is fair to say that a vote for Obama is a vote for a liberal ideologue and likely a hard-leftist one. 


  1. You left off Warren Buffett. Trust me, he is a moderate.

  2. Buffett is not among his official economic advisors, and besides, his politics while moderate, are left-of-center. The point of this post was to demonstrate the inaccuracy of his campaign's spinning him as someone who will consider the full range of solutions to problems.

    My earlier posts, for example, The Post-Election Obama, provide evidence that while he's trying to appear moderate, he's likely to be
    America's first hard-leftist president.

  3. Was Reagan a right wing president or a centrist president?

    I think that understanding what you perceive as centrist politics would be valuable.

  4. I am not an expert on Reaganism, and I'm wondering whether this is a trap question, so I will demur.

  5. Sure he'll listen to all sides -

    he will listen to keynesians, neo-keynesians, stalinists, trotskyists, and maoists.

    How much more inclusive do you want?

  6. Buffett is no fan of unions as you will see by his negotiation tactics when dealing with unions at the Buffalo News. (Buffett bought the News in 1977.) He also backed Republican Tom Osborne in his unsuccessful run for governor of Nebraska in 2004. Osborne is the former University football coach and definitely not a liberal. I suppose this is all subjective. However, those of us from Nebraska view him as a moderate and no friend of the "working man" when it comes to his business tactics.

  7. I think your cherrypicking Marty. Personally, I think your common tendency is to despise the popular opinion that you're surrounded with as if it were going to somehow consume you (in this case, Left thinking, being in the Bay Area). Your rebuke that Buffett doesn't count because he's not "official" is weak. You can also find many notable people on the Right that support Obama for a variety of reasons.

  8. John McCain also wants to redistribute wealth and clearly falls into the "socialist" category by saying he would buy back mortgages with taxpayer dollars from people who defaulted on them. This is offensive to me as a taxpayer since I purchased a smaller house so I would not become over extended on my credit. In reality many people want the government to help them in times of crisis and if that is the case they need to realize that means paying taxes.

    Per an interview with McCain: "We have a plan of action to get America's economy going again, Maria, and it has to do with a wide range of prescriptions. But one of them is to keep people in their homes. Look, it was the housing crisis that started this, OK? Fannie and Freddie, this -- was the catalyst that blew this whole thing up. And frankly, the administration is not doing what I think they should do, and that's go in and buy out these bad mortgages, give people mortgages they can afford, stabilize home values and start them back up again. They did that during the depression, it was called the Home Owners' Loan Corporation.""
