Saturday, June 30, 2018

Finding Your Foundation

Amid life’s frenzy, many people pass through their days without having consciously selected their foundational principles, those on which their life’s major decisions should based.

In my article today, I offer questions that may help you develop yours. They’re from my new book, Careers for Dummies.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

When You're Ignored

Interviewing in the Media: Landing an interview and doing well.

Being interviewed is among the easier ways to share your expertise with many others while benefiting yourself: It casts you as an expert and sharpens your expertise—Knowing you’ll be interviewed motivates you to think hard about what ideas are most worth promulgating.

Having been interviewed everywhere from the New York Times to the Wall Street Journal, The Today Show to The Daily Show, I’ve learned a few things about getting interviewed.  In my article today, I offer ideas adapted from my just-published book, Careers for Dummies.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Making a Radical Career Change

You know that a career tweak won’t do—It’s time for a radical career change. But it’s scary. After all, you’ll have to convince an employer to hire you for a better job without a significant pay cut even though s/he likely has many applicants with experience. Plus, you probably don’t have the time or money for a long back-to-school stint. Yes, it’s difficult but often done. 

My article today offers tactics derived from a chapter of my new book Careers for Dummies.

Overview of my new book, Careers for Dummies

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

7 Unspoken Rules for Workplace Success

You may wonder why people less competent than you get ahead while you languish. True, it could be appearance, race, or gender but often, more malleable factors are at play.

As my article today, I offer seven unspoken rules for workplace success. They derive from my new book, Careers for Dummies.

Monday, June 25, 2018

Figuring Out What Makes You Special

No one wants to feel ordinary: a replaceable part in society, the workplace, or in relationships.
Fortunately, even identical twins aren’t completely identical. So there probably are myriad ways you different from The Norm. But how do you figure out what makes you special, and more challenging, how you might better use your specialness to enhance your place in the world?

My article today offers 11 questions derived from a chapter in my just-published book, Careers for Dummies that may help:

My Thoughts on my New Book, Careers for Dummies

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Curing Career Fear

Even competent people can suffer from career fear: the imposter syndrome, fear of failure, and/or the Peter Pan syndrome, the fear of growing up. Of course, there are no magic pills but in my article today, I offer the tactics that have most often helped my clients.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

The scoop on my new book, Careers for Dummies

I just saw, for the first time, my just-published book,
Careers for Dummies. Even thought it's my 11th book, it's a good feeling.

It's particularly aimed at people just starting out but as you'll see it's well-worth buying for any career-minded person, for example, those worried about losing their job, those trying to move up, or change careers.
  • pleasant-to-read but authoritative introductions to 340 careers, all the popular ones plus many that are under-the-radar, including low-risk/high-payoff self-employment ideas.
  • ahead-of-the-pack tactics for landing a job, a good job. This includes advice for people for whom networking hasn't worked, and smart ways to make your application rise to the top of the pack.
  • succeeding on the job, maybe even becoming beloved. Fresh ideas on office politics, procrastination, stress-management, managing people, public speaking without (too much) fear, even how to develop charisma.
While you may find it at your local bookstore, the surest (and discounted) way to get the book is on Amazon at THIS link.

Sample from my new book, Careers for Dummies, published today.

My new book, Careers for Dummies was published today. Here's a sample:

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

15 Good Under-the-Radar Careers

A core feature of my just-published book Careers for Dummies  is dossiers on 340 careers, popular and under-the-radar. As my article today, I selected 15 under-the-radar ones.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Thought Stopping: A potent tool for getting unstuck

At least with my career counseling clients, among the most potent tactics for keeping them moving forward rather than stayed mired in,  for example, “No one will hire me,” “I’m so angry at...” or “I’m an imposter” is thought stopping: As soon as you become aware of an unproductive thought, literally say “Stop!” and ask yourself, “What constructive task could I turn my attention to? What’s the first one-second baby step on that task?”

I flesh that out in my article today.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Be an Autodidact?

Courses are often required, for example, for legal certification. But sometimes you can avoid courses, which are often costly, inconvenient, and larded with masses of material you’ll never use  or have forgotten or become obsolete by the time you need it.

For many people and for many things you’ll want to learn, a wonderful way to learn is be an autodidact, teaching yourself. It may be best explained by examples. My article today offers three from my life.

Monday, June 11, 2018

14 Tech Tools to Help Your Career

It was just a year ago that I wrote an article on this topic but there have been enough changes to offer the current crop of the best career-enhancing tools. They can ease your search for a career, landing a good job, and succeeding at it. That's my article today.


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