1. The traditional one: How much benefit do you provide your employer for the money you're paid and the time you put in. Score yourself on this scale:
Much worse than average, score yourself -33. Much above average, score yourself +33. What score would you give yourself? ____ Dare you ask your boss or co-worker what score s/he'd give you?
2. Apart from your productivity, to what extent do you make the lives of your colleagues, bosses, co-workers and customers/clients more or less pleasant? Are you high-maintenance? Annoying? Make their lives more pleasant? If you make their lives much less pleasant, score yourself -33. If you make their lives much more pleasant, score yourself +33. Put your self-rating score here: ____. Dare you ask your boss or co-worker what score s/he'd give you?
3. To what extent does your work improve the world? From my value system, anyone having to do with tobacco would score -34. Researchers trying to find a cure for a major disease would score +34. What score would you give yourself? ___
Anyone who self-rates at +90 or higher should be very proud of themselves, and I'd be pleased if you'd post a comment, describing why you earn such a high score. That will be instructive to all of us.
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