Saturday, April 27, 2019

Dying: Our Final Project

We all end by having to complete the same project: dying.

It’s all well and good to plan how we’ll do that final project, but I don’t think we can predict accurately. No less than Elizabeth Kubler-Ross who became famous for asserting that we all go through the same five-step process from denial to acceptance, herself never reached acceptance. My dear friend who at 90, in bad, bad shape, bought a revolver and said that if it got much worse, he’d shoot himself. Well, it’s a year later. he’s far worse still, and he’s still alive.

That said, it can’t hurt to describe how I hope I’d handle my final project. I do that in my article today. Perhaps it will motivate me to stick with that honorable plan or inspire you or me to at least not die as badly as we otherwise might.

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