Wednesday, November 25, 2020

The Best of Marty Nemko, 2021 edition is now available

I'm pleased to announce the publication of The Best of Marty Nemko, 2021 edition. 

Here's the blurb. It's a bit puffy but I believe accurate: 

Even if you're already quite successful and content with your life, this 69-pager will enhance your work and personal life. 

Unlike the previous edition, which was 267 pages long, this edition, with all new content, is ruthlessly concise to enhance usability. Despite its brevity, It contains a wealth of the acclaimed, award-winning career and personal advisor's most helpful, not obvious ideas. You will find the hour it takes to read this unusually valuable booklet.

It's only $6. I'd of course welcome your buying it, but perhaps even more, writing an honest review of it on Amazon.

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