Thursday, January 20, 2022

How to Avoid Irrationally Low or High Risk Tolerance

QuoteInspector, CC-BY

Financial advisors and apps ask clients to rate their risk tolerance, usually accept the answer, and find appropriate investments.

But why might someone's risk tolerance might be irrationally high or low. To become more rational, My Psychology Today article today offers 11 causes of and suggestions for irrationally high or low risk tolerance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Thanks for your writings. You have helped so many people!

Question about your thoughts on an entrepreneurship/startup idea for a one person shop. What you think about the idea of starting a recruiting agency (head hunting operation) specializing in an in-demand niche? The positives I see are: it is a service vs. selling a product, cheap start up costs, can work from home/be location independent. Cons are market saturation, and sales (rejection). But maybe the owner can hire 1099 workers to do the sales part.



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