Sunday, July 21, 2024

Secular sermonette: No heaven, no hell. It's all here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I came across your blog post upon researching another topic regarding the indoctrination of our children. I read your article linked below and followed it to your blog.
A few questions after reading the article you wrote and watching this video:
You state that we should present both sides to any idea. As you write, “Fairly present differing views. In the aforementioned three areas as well as others, make the best-case, not a straw-man case, for opposing views. Ask your child which is most persuasive and why. When s/he disagrees with your position, it’s tempting to jump in and defend it. But, situation by situation, ask yourself whether that is wise or to remain silent, acknowledge the legitimacy of their perspective, or ask a question that might lead to more nuanced thinking.” What are your opposing views on religion/theism? What is the fair representation of the opposing views on this topic? This would be helpful for me to understand.

I whole heartedly agree with you that we should expose our children to differing views so that they are aware of other beliefs. How do I expose my children or anyone, to other viewpoints without first establishing what is the truth? When I don’t communicate a clear starting point, how is a child to know which direction is bad and which is good? There have been many times I have give instructions to my children. If I don’t give them a clear start and stop expectation I often find they get frustrated because they are confused about what is expected of them and they experience more anxiety. Is giving them a standard really that bad or should there not be an established standard? Thank you in advance.


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