Monday, March 22, 2021

RAD: A way to cope with uncertainty

Incredibly Numing, Flickr, CC 2.0

Clarity is comforting while uncertainty can be disconcerting. For example:

  • If you’re vaccinated, how safe will you be from COVID? How transmissible will you be? You’re invited to a gathering of eight people. Do you go? How about if you'd have to get on a plane?
  • Amid the COVID-shrunk economy, will you keep your job?
  • How dangerous are carbs? Red meat? Saturated fat? Marijuana?
  • Should you invest conservatively, such as in a bank CD or in a stock mutual fund, which has greater risk but potentially greater reward?
  • Is there a God worth placing faith in?
  • Is there an afterlife?

Alas, there are no clear answers to such questions. So how can you deal with the uncertainty?

One approach that my clients have found helpful is RAD. I describe it in my Psychology Today article today.

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