Saturday, April 17, 2010

I'll Be Doing Another Job-Seeker Boot Camp

Three months ago I emceed, keynoted, and moderated a panel (I'm the guy in the beige jacket) at the Job Seeker Boot Camp sponsored by Congresswoman Jackie Speier.

It drew almost 1,000 people so she is sponsoring another, this one at the South San Francisco Conference Center on April 30 from 10 2 p.m.. Click here for more info. Admission is free.

I will be doing two large-group sessions there:

11:15 a.m. to noon What to Say After "Hello." An interactive session on how to make networking pay quickly.

12:15 to 1:00 p.m. Where Jobs are Won and Lost: after the interview.


Cornhusker said...

I would love to view these sessions on tape as I live out-of-state.

Marty Nemko said...

Cornhusker, re "Job is won or lost after the interview"--see my most recent post.

Re the networking seminar, see this:

Re older job seekers: Advice for Job Seekers over 40

By Marty Nemko

Many older job seekers go through contortions to hide their age. I say flaunt your age. It will both feel better and can make you a more desirable candidate. Remember you have pluses. Older workers are less likely to arrive at work in the morning having been up all night partying or taking care of baby. Seasoned workers have the wisdom of having been around the block a few times. And they're less likely than a 20-something to job hop. Those are compelling arguments for hiring you. In your cover letters and interviews, make that case.

But older workers have disadvantages. Do what you can to preempt them. Don't overprice yourself. Stay current. If you're still energetic, let 'em know. Don't be long-winded.
Despite your best efforts, you'll have a tough time landing a job in certain industries-tech companies come to mind. The good news: in some fields, age is a plus, for example, consultant, financial advisor, career counselor, senior housing sales, and geriatric care managing.

Cornhusker said...

Thank you, Marty.


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