Monday, June 3, 2013

How to Create a Strong Yet Ethical Resume, Fast: Part II

My piece today: Part II of How to Create a Strong, Ethical Resume, Fast.

It focuses on how to ethically yet effectively deal with employment gaps even in difficult situations: stay-at-home parent, videogame-playing pothead, and felon.


Anonymous said...

Another gem, Marty!
Question: A close friend of mine is looking to get back to work after dealing with some pretty intense physical and mental health issues. Any suggestions along the lines of the others?

-Your reader in PA

Marty Nemko said...

I believe in radical honesty: What can he currently do and not do and what's the prognosis. The wrong employer (most employers) will say no; the right ones will say yes.

nna said...

Marty Nemko i support your opinion. http//


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