Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Major Effort to Get Fair Treatment for Boys and Men

As I have documented often on this blog (click "boys issues" or "men's issues" in the tag cloud on the right side of this blog,) boys and men are struggling far more than are women, yet nearly all governmental efforts are to abet women.

My apologies to regular readers of my blog who have previously read what's in the rest of this paragraph, but my favorite example is this: When women have a deficit, for example, they're "underrepresented" in engineering, massive redress is undertaken. But when men have a deficit, even the ultimate deficit--they die 5.2 years earlier than women--not only is there no redress, there are seven federal offices on women's health, none on men, 39 states have offices of women's health, six for men, and most frightening, over the past 60(!) years, a review of PubMed, which indexes the 3,000 leading medical journals, finds that there are 40 articles on women's health for every one on men's.

In attempt to restore a measure of fairness, I am a member of the Commission to Create a White House Council on Boys to Men.

This article in Forbes makes the case why boys and men need a White House Council, arguably more than we need the already existing White House Council on Women and Girls.

If you ever have the opportunity to ask a legislator why there's a White House Council on Women and Girls but not one on men and boys, that Forbes article will provide all the evidence you need.

1 comment:

Dulantha said...

Positive thinking......

Not only physical health, today it is important thing to discuss about male psychology. Mental health of boys and men is important too.


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