Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Musings at the COVID New Year

As we approach the COVID-quieted New Year, my wife and I sit and chat, mostly about the quotidian: what to do tonight or that we have a new granddoggie. We wryly smile that excitement is a trip to the supermarket.

But in the silences and amid my pre-New-Year's walks, the following thoughts have entered my mind. I share them in hopes they might inform some of your New Year's thinking, feeling, and conversation.


Anonymous said...

Intro, but no content

Ryker said...

Its really informative. goodjob!

Arianna said...

Great pleasure to read this.

Finnley said...

Awesome! Its full of info here

Rosalie said...

Your blog here is so wonderful

Alice Christian said...

Your reflections on the past year and hopes for the future really resonate. Thank you for sharing such thoughtful insights—perfect for this time of reflection and renewal. Looking forward to reading more of your musings! abogado tráfico dinwiddie virginia


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