For example, one of Obama's priority spending areas is health care. But there already is near full employment in health care. The U.S. has to import nurses from countries such as the Philippines to meet the current need. Indeed, health care is the one field that has increased employment during every month of the current recession. Spending more taxpayer money on health care will mainly just move health care workers from one employer to another--or result in importing more health care workers. It won't, as Obama promises, create many new jobs
Even in Obama-priority fields in which many jobs have been lost in the recession, for example, infrastructure construction, few jobs will be created by the Obama spending spree. Mulligan points out that many, although certainly not all, the workers laid off from residential construction have already picked up work in commercial construction. Too, much construction work is done by illegal immigrants, for whom Obama has promised to create a path to citizenship within his first 100 days in office. So, ironically, the largest stimulative effect of Obama's infrastructure spending may be to create jobs for illegal immigrants.
Mulligan additionally points out that while the large majority of the recession's job losses have been to men, Obama's economists report that half the jobs Obama will create will be aimed at women (and minorities.) So, many of those unemployed men will remain jobless. That is yet another reason why Obama's stimulus plan will not provide as many new jobs as he promises.
Of course, even more problematic is this question: "Where will the trillion dollars to pay for the unprecedentedly massive (and dubious) spending come from? "It will come from the taxpayers, who if instead, were allowed to keep their money would spend much of it on products and services, which would create real, new, enduring jobs. And of course, the Obama spending spree will also be funded by the tax dollars from successful businesses, which if instead were allowed to keep their money, would use much of it to expand their businesses and hire more people.
Sure, the Obama Spending Spree will yield a short-term boost in the economy by taking taxpayer money to create some (temporary) jobs, prop up badly run banks and car manufacturers, invest in private-sector-rejected alternative energy and other schemes, and bail out people who bought more home or took on more credit card debt than they could comfortably afford. But long term, that won't stimulate the economy. It will kill it.
It's only human to be tempted to bail out the most failing people and businesses but as every triage medic in the battlefield knows, you'll save more lives by using the limited resources to help those most likely to recover, not those who scream the loudest.
That means allowing successful people and businesses to keep their money, not have the government forcibly take it from them to give to the unsuccessful. Real, sustainable, enduring growth comes not from tax increases but from tax cuts.
In response to your comment about infrastructure construction: "So, ironically, the largest stimulative effect of Obama's infrastructure spending may be to create jobs for illegal immigrants."
Have you heard about Robert Reich's comments? They've been all over the internet for the past 2 days.
Directly from his blog:
The title: "The Stimulus: How to Create Jobs Without Them All Going to Skilled Professionals and White Male Construction Workers."
The end says: "I'd suggest that all contracts entered into with stimulus funds require contractors to provide at least 20 percent of jobs to the long-term unemployed and to people within comes at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty level. And at least 2 percent of project funds should be allocated to such training. In addition, advantage should be taken of buildings trades apprenticeships -- which must be fully available to women and minorities."
He posted it 2 weeks ago, and is still getting comments. More than half of them are from January 22 and 23.
The day before he made this post, he said more of the same on C-SPAN. The video is a bit jerky, but may be worth a look if you have a few minutes:
Just thought you would like to know.
You wrote:
Of course, even more problematic is this question: "Where will the trillion dollars to pay for the unprecedentedly massive (and dubious) spending come from? "It will come from the taxpayers, who if instead, were allowed to keep their money would spend much of it on products and services, which would create real, new, enduring jobs.
But the trillion dollars actually comes from FUTURE taxpayers, right? If we allowed them to keep their money, as you advise, so they could spend it on products and services, thus creating real jobs, they would do so in the future, not NOW, which is when we need the economic stimulus.
As I've written, short-term, as with a heroin shot, there will be benefit in taking next year's tax dollars from successful people and giving them to badly run businesses and spending it on private-sector-rejected alternative energy schemes, and on bailing out people who bought more home or put more on their credit cards than they could afford.
But long-term, like that heroin shot, it will truly damage America.
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