Sunday, October 3, 2010

How to Receive a Business Card

When handed a business card, most people mutter an obligatory "thank you," don't look at it, and shove it in their wallet or toss it into that black hole called a purse or pocketbook. A missed opportunity.

If it's a person you don't care about and don't want to send positive signals to, fine, give the card that quick shove. But if you want to convey positive regard, we should take a lesson from the Japanese:

1. Say a sincere thank you.
2. Look carefully at the card.
3. Say the person's name aloud. That helps you remember the name and makes the person feel important. It's been said that our name is our favorite word.
4. Take another moment to look at the card: the design, the employer's name, etc. Make a connection between the name and something else on the card. Taking that extra moment will additionally help you remember the person's name as well as make the person feel cared about.
5. With obvious care, place the business card in a prominent spot in your wallet.

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