Sunday, July 27, 2008

Where the Jobs Are

My radio show today focused on where the jobs are. You can hear it on my site or download it as a podcast from the NPR site. (Note: it may be until Monday, 7/28 until it's available on my site.)

Here's a summary of what I said on the show. Job availability is best in:
1. Low-cost-of-living states, especially in the local and state government sectors.
2. IT management (systems analyst, project leads, network administrator.)
3. Engineering (especially green, software, medical devices and equipment)
4. Finance and accounting, both as individual contributors and in management.
5. Skilled trades, especially machinists
6. Anything green. See
7 Nursing and other allied health professions such as imaging techs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Low-cost-of-living-states? I'm thinking of Kansas, Alabama, Georgia, Missouri... Yikes! You may be able to find a good job in those places, but would you want to live in any of them?


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