Friday, September 14, 2012

How Much is Your Procrastination Hurting You? Five Questions

How much, if at all, is your procrastination hurting you? These questions can help you decide if you need to try to improve:

1.  How often does your procrastination increase your anxiety in excess of the benefit derived?
A) Often
B) Sometimes
C) Rarely
D) Never

2. How often does your procrastination significantly hurt the quality of your work products?
A )Often
B) Sometimes
C) Rarely
D) Never

3. How much has your procrastination hurt your career?
A) Greatly
B) Moderately
C) A bit
D) Not at all
4. How often does your procrastination frustrate your family and friends?
A) Often
B) Sometimes
C) Rarely
D) Never

5. How much has procrastination hurt your performance in school and college?
A) Greatly
B) Moderately
C) A bit
D) Not at all

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