Sunday, August 14, 2016

Indoctrinating Young Children

If you don’t have a son, imagine you do.

In 1970, the ratio of males to females in college was 69% male. Now it’s 42%. Of course, that has profound impact today, when a college degree is virtually a prerequisite for good employment.

At age 10, boys commit suicide at a similar rate to girls but by age 25, the rate for males is five times as high.

Yet to look at societal efforts---governmental, education, media--one would think that female was the floundering sex.

For example, all movies have positive and negative characters, and women’s activist groups, recognizing the power of role models, have long demanded that females be disproportionately portrayed positively compared with white males. And they’ve had remarkable success including with cartoon movies aimed at young children. 

My article today describes the main characters in the the all-time biggest box-office cartoon movies and other iconic children's cartoon movies of the past two decades.

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